目前分類:型男最感性的moment (4)

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Few days ago. A friend of mine dissuced about fertility rates with me. I responded him that nowadays, Taiwan is a country of the lowest fertility rates in the world. He suddenly said that I must remind you a point. As a teacher of China, I don't want to hear that Taiwan is country. I was dumbstruck. Just thought that as a joblessness of Taiwan, I want to say that 恁爸要說 Taiwan is a country 是恁爸的代誌. Idiot. Why dont you order army to take Taiwan back if you can. Idiot. Do not give me your shit. I said that actually, China belongs to a part of Taiwan. Do not piss me off. Do you know what is better bend than break? Be smart. Do not act like an idiot. When China is returned to Taiwan, I will take care of you otherwise you will know.

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Someone else told me that changing current situation is not good for people sometimes. Everything as usual and I said that I will do my best for everything as usual and natural. So basically, I accepted the advice and avoiding to screw everything up. Change or not depends on people's mind thus I will probably try again and make it happened. Today is worth to remember it. therefore, I write it down for commemorating what I did and said.

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My dear mam the difficult moment will go away, don't worry!!!!!!!!!!!
You always in my heart that don't feel afraid.
I wish I were standing at your side passed the difficult moment.
God!!!!!!!!!Bless my mam please.

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好不容易撐到了下班,享受完捷運上那"春光無限好"的短暫時光後,終於來到了華納...來到了櫃檯拿出我那張破破舊舊的電影票,一個霎那間,我喵到了背面蓋著8/3截止,不會吧,老天爺你在跟我開玩笑嗎,然後再霎那間ice snow smart如我的黑人頭,想到了曾經看過消基會的報導,有價證卷是不能有消費期限....不過最後還是被他凹了30塊手續費....靠...30元可以吃碗陽春麵了......
xxx...死售票員...你給我記著,地球是圓的...哎啊...原本帶著一顆美麗的心情去看電影,已蕩然無存啦....不過電影還是不錯看啦...拍攝的手法不錯,很像是電視新聞直播,很有真實感,劇情也很有張力,不會有拖泥帶水的內容,不過每次看到片中, 一些人用毒品在荼毒這個世界,某取暴利,總是有那麼一點感傷,我那顆多愁善感的心,又被激起了一道漣漪,哈哈....另外裡面的激情戲,其實也還好,也只是柯林法洛跟鞏俐兩個人磨來磨去去而已,我還以為鞏俐會蹦出她那令人噴血車頭燈ㄌ,有小失望..

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