Why I wanted to write this letter of complainant. The reason was that 林杯真不爽…….Damn it. I admit that there are many exciting words  which is unreasonable behavior. but think that no one wants to pay money to get rubbish. all I can say is if you want to earn money from people, should give them useful thing not a rubbish. Here is the main content below.


你們怎麼有辦法推出效率這麼低的Windows Live Writer


你們的Windows Live writer會不會爛到爆了。這麼不順暢的軟體你們也敢推出來敷衍消費者,插入幾張圖片之後,整個軟體慢的跟烏龜一樣,滾輪滾一下要兩三秒之後畫面才會動,害我還以為電腦中毒,趕緊掃毒,掃個老半天,結果連個鬼也沒有。重新開機再試也是一樣,關掉所有其他作業軟體,也還是一樣慢。你們到底有沒有測試啊。你們是推出來培養消費者的耐心嗎。
我買的電腦是Lenovo NB T400有4G的記憶體. T9400 2.54G的CPU。居然用Live Writer寫個Blog寫到我火氣都上來,這樣配備不會連用個Live writer都有問題吧,難不成要用超級電腦才能開嗎。是比爾蓋茲催著你們推出來的嗎? 簡直是低能到不能再低能的軟體。我用CS5 Photoshop畫設計圖,都沒有這麼慢...
Vista賣這麼貴,買一年之後馬上出新的Windows 7。Vista系統不穩就不要推出來騙錢,難道我買東西還要忍受你們系統的不穩來培養自己的耐心嗎。更新也要5千多,你們以為每個人都跟比爾蓋茲有錢嗎,說換就換嗎,5千多塊不是錢嗎,不用辛苦賺嗎。By the way, 可以的話幫我寄給比爾蓋茲看一下


here is their response below. actually I don’t respect whether they respond me. I just want to complain it.

親愛的微軟客戶 您好:

感謝您連繫台灣微軟客服中心,很高興能夠為您服務。關於您來信建議的事項:Windows Live Writer效能低落一事。我們非常感謝您的來函告知此狀況,並且會將您的意見反應至相關部門做。期望您日後仍不吝提出任何指正,您的意見將會是我們最強的原動力,非常感謝您的來信!

但由於Windows Live相關功能已成立專屬服務中心,如您有使用該版本上的功能建議,我們同時建議可以透過Windows Live意見反應網站:http://feedback.live.com/?mkt=zh-tw,與Windows Live服務中心分享您的使用經驗,以及意見回饋,此部門將會根據您的意見回饋,進一步改善各項Windows Live服務及產品,但是,Windows Live意見反應中心無法針對您的建議提供個別回覆,對於由此造成的不便之處,敬請見諒。


請您直接回覆本郵件,或請您於上班時間來電 台灣微軟客戶服務中心,服務專線(市話)0800-008-833 (手機) 02-2999-8833(服務時間:週一至週五,上午09:00至下午18:00)。





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沒錯..手表的時間是凌晨五點,知道型男友多搏感情了吧。By the way, 順便秀一下我的RADO

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This wedding reception was in three years ago. I have wanted to writ it but I was so busy for something. It was a in famous hotel which is called Sheraton Taipei hotel. It was a the most expensive wedding reception which I have even attended.

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As time goes by, along with technology has increasingly gotten better. The internet has brought significant changed to our lives in recently years. While there still remain some disagreement whether the internet has been positive or negative. I personally believe that the benefit of the internet far outweigh its drawback.

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Dumpling is always one of my favorite foods. Dumpling is a very convenient food for me that is why I love it so much. Just boiling water and put it down that’s all. This time I would like to make dumpling by myself. The material is poke, flours dumpling wraps and some leeks. there are some dumpling made. Each one is so ugly and huge but taste is more important than shape, therefore forget it.


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Today I suddenly wanted to buy some T-shirt for this summer but I was lazily to go shopping outside. I thought shopping online may be a good idea when I had no idea where I could go shopping. Fortunately I found some websites which was offering specially discount. These clothes just cost me $800 that was really a reasonable deal.


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租金$8500含水電,但是冷氣費另計,押金兩個月$17000. 有一台共用的洗衣機,沒有網路,不過可以連好幾個不用錢的無線訊號,朋友說他已經連了6個月了,都沒有斷過. 這裡都是住上班族
租約到年底12月14號.還有5個月要承接. 如果你急需搬進來. 8號你就可以搬進來,8到14號這六天就送給你了,每個月14號繳房租,要租的人可以直接跟房東重新簽租約,簽剩下5個月的租約,要重新簽一年也可以,照片是前幾天拍的,還有一些東西還在整理,有點亂..不過已經都整理好了,房間都打掃乾淨了
地點位於中山區天祥路70號8樓807室. """"民權西路站到家大概200公尺"""""......散步回家不用5分鐘,如果你想用跑的,大概1分鐘就到家了....樓下就是萊爾富
聯絡方式0934084576 Benson benson619@hotmail.com and skype:benson619 可以live視訊看房間喔.沒有視訊辣妹猛男秀喔,不要想太多喔

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Few days ago. A friend of mine dissuced about fertility rates with me. I responded him that nowadays, Taiwan is a country of the lowest fertility rates in the world. He suddenly said that I must remind you a point. As a teacher of China, I don't want to hear that Taiwan is country. I was dumbstruck. Just thought that as a joblessness of Taiwan, I want to say that 恁爸要說 Taiwan is a country 是恁爸的代誌. Idiot. Why dont you order army to take Taiwan back if you can. Idiot. Do not give me your shit. I said that actually, China belongs to a part of Taiwan. Do not piss me off. Do you know what is better bend than break? Be smart. Do not act like an idiot. When China is returned to Taiwan, I will take care of you otherwise you will know.

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