目前分類:加州宅男生活日記 (15)

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Today, my classmate came to my home for dinner that he will goes back to Taiwan in Junly. He was the same day came to Chico with me who suspended form technology company for study English. In the school we always hang out to finish class And talked tale about Chinese guys in the back.
He gave me a Patron saint form his hometown Jin Men in today. That's so cool, I appreciate it. In the school, if I hadn't known him, I would have felt boring and lonely. Because we are few people form Taiwan that there are have a lot of Japanese, Korean and Saudi Arabia people.

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To go abroad to study the MASTER this question has been a lot of people ask me when I decision it. Some people said that it's will spend many money if you do it. Some people said that you can't sure in the future would be better than now. Those questions I know. If you don't try it, you'll not know of result. Maybe not everyone can accept my thought. I had worked hard for this thought who once feel exhausted also. Because it's so expensive for me and also I can't earn a lot of money in the short time. I think most of the people the same this question. So I just can be worked hard to practice my dream.

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Last weekend we went to vacation in San Francisco. We stopped while for take a rest and buy something in San Jose. When we went to a supermarket go shopping that I found a lot of Taiwanese on the inside. I think that if you just only can be speaking Chinese who can be survival in there. Into on the side of the supermarket that which will feel that like in Taipei. When we just want to leave then I found there have sell scratcher gallery. Thereupon I asked that my sister give me one dollar for buy a scratcher gallery.

It's so lucky one dollar because I got the prize of twenty five dollars. That's great. If I keep buy it which May be I would get the first prize in the future.

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This is first time birthday in foreign and alone. Before when I birthday always hang out with my friends who would be two times birthday must alone one in the future. This year I wish that my mom happy then before. Today I go jogging and also bought six lottos which cost six dollars. I really like buy lotto because it's wish when you got six numbers that you were really wealthy. Sometime I always dreamed that I got the first prize. If it's true that I can do anything for example buy a big house, travel, TT coupl and morn I desirous anything. Ok! I done that have a great dream to myself.

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詳細內容請直接加我msn或者寄信給我,中英文皆可...>"<..benson619 target="_blank" href="http://www.pixnet.net/photo/bensonliu/93040318">

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Today happened a huge fire in Paradise that The fire was huge and keep long time. My sister boyfriend said that when happen a fire would use helicopter to carry water for damp. So we are drive go to a lake watched helicopter how to take water. This lake has signed private property but also many of people come to here go fishing and play boat. Waiting a while we can't see helicopter come to take water though. But it's ok that I wish no body hurt. Look!! If have a lake side of your house that so great.

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we are the same form Taiwan

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我們辦pot luck的地方

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When I drove through my house of neighbor that I saw a cherry tree and growing a lot of cherries. This special me. When I go back at home and told my sister it then we made great decision. We asked our neighbor if we can pick it.
These cherries look so delicious...^^

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University college for the creative arts創意大學也是不錯在肯特,學費跟生活費都還好,但是排名就是比不上倫敦藝術大學..>"

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在這裡不是看到綠燈就可以走喔,你要按這個street push才能通過喔,不然你看到綠燈雄雄走過去,被車撞到就很衰了...orz

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他是從Saudi Arabia來的,我到今天才知道,原來阿拉伯人不包頭巾的....
他就是傳說中不用包頭巾從沙烏地阿拉伯來的“油喬仔"大爺,開小B的喔,但是女生要包and she married and also can't take picture

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第一站.......差點毀再box tung的手上

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