
Topic: Tallest in the world 101 Building 真慘..連標題都下錯,原本想宣揚國威,結果變成丟臉丟到國外去....>"The building has many different store. The building is always full of people. It' also full happy(happiness) I think the building always change different topic to attraction(attract) people. Because people loves to shopping(shop) that can to wake up the economy. The building outside has a special design and show in discovery channel. Many people from other counties come to here see it. When they reach Taipei the trip schedule have been to 101 building. When you take the elevator to the viewing floor you can see many great views. There are display many bout the building for engineer pictures and design. One machine is very important because the machine is for when earthquakes come which protects the building from braking down.
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